
Realizing a more equitable and inclusive creative sector through policy change

In order to acheive MASSCreative’s Policies Priorities, the MASSCreative Action Network is working with legislative champions on the follow bills:

  • Sponsored by Rep. Dan Cahill and Sen. Liz Miranda

    The creative space preservation bill would create a defined property restriction for creative maker space and performance or exhibition space. It would also incentivize cities and towns to establish trust funds to hold assets and property for the creation and preservation of creative spaces, giving them more tools to keep artists in their communities.

  • Sponsored by Rep. Pat Duffy and Sen. Jake Oliveira

    This bill would establish a grant program within the Massachusetts Office of Tourism and Travel to support tourism marketing and promotional expenses for arts and cultural organizations. The fund would prioritize arts and cultural organizations and events that seek to amplify the stories of historically marginalized or underrepresented cultures. By increasing local and regional tourism to more cultural diverse spaces and events, Massachusetts can support economic vitality for everyone.

  • Sponsored by Rep. Dan Donahue and Sen. Paul Mark

    The Accessibility in the Creative Economy (ACE) Fund would provide grants to organizations focused on the arts, culture, humanities, and interpretive sciences to remove barriers encountered by people with disabilities.

  • Sponsored by Rep. Mary Keefe, Rep. Steve Ultrino, Sen. Paul Mark, and Sen. Robyn Kennedy

    The Program for Local Art and Community Engagement (PLACE) would allocate a percentage of construction costs on any Commonwealth-owned property and public funding granted to new construction projects exceeding $200K for a public art fund. The fund would be used to create and maintain public art in Massachusetts and would codify the process for commissioning public art, making it easier for cities and towns to engage their residents in developing relevant and inclusive public art for all.

  • Sponsored by Rep. Tony Cabral and Sen. John Cronin

    This would establish the Downtown Vitality Fund and allocate 5% of receipts from online sales originating in Massachusetts to support staffing and operations of business improvement districts, main street associations, cultural districts and parking benefit districts in Gateway Cities and other low-income communities.

    MASSCreative joins MassINC in advocating for this legislation.






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