News Kelsey Rode News Kelsey Rode

Spotlight: Community Conversations on Martha's Vineyard

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Commonwealth back in March, uncertainties abounded: how long would the lockdown last? How could we keep safe? Ann Smith, the executive director of Martha’s Vineyard’s Featherstone Center for the Arts, who chaired Arts Martha’s Vineyard (ArtsMV) for a decade, knew to start with a conversation.

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News Kelsey Rode News Kelsey Rode

Statement by MASSCreative Executive Director Emily Ruddock on Boston Foundation’s aPPOINTIMENT OF M. Lee Pelton AS President & CEO

“The demands placed on our communities by the COVID-19 pandemic are unrelenting. Continuing to adapt to those needs while also planning for a comprehensive recovery that will include people of all races, genders, backgrounds, abilities, and occupations requires bold, visionary leadership from our institutional leaders.”

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